Model Questions Solution 1st semester

IT & applications

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Group ‘A’

[ All the model questions solution are provided below]

  1. Classify computers on the basis of size.

Answer; on the basis of size, computers are classified into;

  • Super computer
  • Mini computer
  • Mainframe computer
  • Micro computer

2. How information technology affects businesses.

Answer: Information technology helps in day to day operation of business by making the work easier, faster and systematic. IT helps in better customer service and increased efficiency and automation.

3.What is auxiliary memory?

Answer: Computer has to store large amount of data or information for future as well as present purpose, such data and information are stored permanently in auxiliary memory,

4. What do you mean by utility software?

Answer: The software that maximizes the utility of computer system and also helps in turning up the performance of computer system is utility software. For example: Antivirus, File manager.

5.Define protocol in computer network.

Answer: It is the set of rules or standard that governs data transmission over any communication network.

6.Define search engine.

Answer: Search engine are the website that display the result of query of the user through search engine result page (SERP). Example:

7.Define sequential data processing.

Answer: It is a method where data is processed in a step-by-step manner or in a sequential order.

8.Define encryption process.

Answer: Encryption is the process of converting any plain text into cipher text.

9.Differentiate between file system and database system.

Answer: DBMS offers high accuracy of data by reducing data repetition using concept of primary and foreign key whereas the repetition of data is very high in file system.

10.What is data mining?

Answer: It is defined as extracting or mining specific data from large amount of data.

Group ‘B’

11. Describe the characteristics of computer in brief.

Answer: The characteristics of computer are discussed below;

  • Accuracy: always produce the result without error.
  • Versatility: Can perform various tasks.
  • Storage: can store data and instructions in large volume.

12. Discuss the characteristics of fourth generation of computers.

Answer: Some of the characteristics of fourth generation computer are;

  • These computers use VLSI ( Very large scale integration) chips.
  • They are comparatively faster than the third generation computers.
  • These computers are more user friendly because they support graphical users interface.

13. Why cyber security is essential? Explain.

Answer: Cyber security is a discipline that covers how to defend devices and services from electronic attacks such as hackers, spammers. It is essential beacuse;

  • It protects the confidentiality of data.
  • It preserves the integrity of data.
  • It promotes the availability of data from authorized users.

14. Explain about central processing unit.

Answer: CPU, also known as the brain of computer performs most of the processing inside the system. It consists of three components;

  • Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU): It is a unit of microprocessor which does all the mathematics and logical comparisons.
  • Register: It stores data and instructions inside processor. It stores data temporarily during processing.
  • Control Unit: It fetches and executes instructions and also generates control signals.

15. Discuss the role of artificial intelligence in business.
Answer: Some of the roles of artificial intelligence in business are as follows;

  • AI can predict consumer behavior and helps in strategic decision making.
  • It increases the efficiency by reducing data redundancies.
  • It helps in understanding market trends as well as promotes innovation.

16. Explain the necessity of E-governance.

Answer: E-governance is the process of providing services to citizen by government through electronic medium or internet. Some of the necessities of E-governance are;

  • Transparency : It is essential to ensure transparency between citizens and the government.
  • Enhance productivity: It improves the quality of service and information.
  • Accessibility: It gives the citizens better access to information and public services.

Group ‘C’

17. What is primary memory? Discuss the different types of primary memory.

Answer: Primary memory( Main memory/ Volatile memory) is the storage of computer which holds the data and instructions currently being used by CPU temporarily. The types of primary memory are explained below:

  • RAM(Random Access Memory): It is known as working memory in computer .RAM is called volatile memory because data stays in RAM as long as computer is running(power is supplied).Some of its types are;
    • a) DRAM
      • b) SRAM
        • c) NVRAM
  • ROM( Read Only Memory): It is a built in computer memory that contains data that normally can only be read not written to. It is non-volatile memory and is designed to perform specific functions. Its types are;
    • a) Programmable Read Only Memory(PROM)
      • b) Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory( EPROM)
        • c) Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory(EEPROM)
          • d) Flash Memory(Special type of EEPROM)

18. What is network topology? Describe the different types of network topology.

Answer: Network Topology refers to the wired architecture of LAN. Its types are as follows;

  • Tree Topology: It is constructed by connecting parent node with the child node. Parent node can have multiple child but the child node can have only one parent.
  • Bus Topology: Each nodes are connected through single wire called Bus, The terminator on the both end of bus stops the signal outflow. If the bus goes down, It affects the whole network.
  • Star Topology: All the nodes are connected with the central device called hub. Hub has the central control over the data.
  • Ring Topology: All the nodes are connected on the closed loop called Ring. The data flow occurs in one direction at a time.
  • Mesh Topology: Each node are connected with each node. The formula for connection: n(n-1)/2
  • Hybrid Topology: It combines the features of multiple network. It is highly secured and data transmission role is high.

19. Describe the different types of database models in brief.

Answer: The different types of database models are;

  • Hierarchical Data Model: It is the oldest type of data model where data is organized in a tree like structure. Example: IMS
  • Network Data Model: It is an extension of the hierarchical database structure with multiple parent-child relationships. Example: IDS
  • Entity-Relationship Model: The ER data model is based on a perception of real world that consist of collection of basic objects called entities and relationship among these objects.
  • Relational Model: Data is stored in table with rows and columns. Example: MYSQL

20. What is multimedia? Discuss the different elements of multimedia system.

Answer: Multimedia refers to the use of a combination of text, audio, video, graphics in presentation of internet. Its elements are;

  • Text: It refers to the collection of character. The purpose of using text is to write titles, to define menus, to write content.
  • Image/Graphics: Graphics is a term used to describe pictorial data. Image or graphics are the digital representation of photograph, drawing charts and other visual objects.
  • Audio: Audio is the sensation resulting from airwaves or vibrations which can be sensed by ears. Bandwidth, Amplitude are some of the properties of sound.
  • Video: It is the real time moving picture accompanied by sound such as a picture in television. It is used in making of movies, gaming and IT industry.
  • Animation: It is the process of sequencing still images in rapid succession to give the effect of live motion. It is a type of optical illusion.

Group ‘D’

[Note: This model questions solution acts as a guide for you. ]

21. What do you mean by hard copy and soft copy output devices? Explain merits and demerits of impact and non- impact printers.

Answer: Hard copy output devices is concerned with producing output that can be touched. Example: printer, photocopy machine. Soft copy output devices produce output digitally and it cannot be touched. Example: Projector, speaker.

Merits of impact printers; Affordable, low maintenance costs, Paper flexibility

Demerits of impact printers; Low quality, slow speed

Merits of non-impact printers; High quality, faster speed, versatility, low environmental impact

Demerits of non- impact printers; Expensive, Compatibility issues

22. What is operating system? List out the different functions of operating system. Explain different types of operating system.

Answer: Operating system is the system software which acts as an interface between user and application software. Example: Windows, Linux. The functions of operating system are ;

  • It controls the overall functions of CPU.
  • It helps in communicating with Input-output devices(IO devices).
  • It maintains the security system and manages files and folders.

The types of operating system are as follows;

  • Mainframe Operating System: They are designed to handle large scale computing needs, supports multiple applications and users.
  • Server Operating System: It manages and serve multiple clients and allows multiple virtual machines.
  • Network Operating System: It directs network resources. Example; android
  • Multiprocessor Operating System: It manages multiple tasks simultaneously by utilizing multiple processors within a single system.
  • Multitasking Operating System: It handles multiple tasks simultaneoulsy.
  • Personal Computer Operating System: It is a system designed for personal computers like laptops, desktop.
  • Real Time Operating System: It processes data with strict timing constraints. Example: QNX
  • Embedded Operating System: It is designed for embedded systems like ATMs, routers
  • Batch Processing Operating System: In this model, tasks are collected and executed in sequence without waiting for user input.
  • Interactive Operating System: It is designed to interact with users providing feedback to the input.

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